Monday, May 23, 2011

Tender Mercies: Still Here

So here it is, May 22, 2011, and I wasn't taken up in the Rapture. If you're reading this, I assume you weren't either.

End-time prophesies have been a topic of discussion at work this week. My thinking on this matter is this: if in Matthew 24:36 it says "But of that day and hour no man knoweth, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" what makes anybody think they are entitled to insider information? As Lisa Grant put it in a report for the Onion, "Hmm, sounds a little fishy. I'm going to have to hear some Bible passages with extremely vague allusions and see some inscrutable numerology before I believe this." (,20500 ) 

Numerologically speaking, when my kids dial MOM on their cell phone, they press "666". And yes, they have accused me of being the Beast.

I was talking to my Young Women's class this morning. I mentioned to the girls that the three questions that philosophers have been trying to answer since the beginning of time are these: "Where did I come from?", "Why am I here?", and "Where do I go when I die?".

The girls looked at me as though I had just sprouted a third eyeball. Really? That's what philosophers have been wrestling with? Why didn't they just ask us? We have been taught the Plan of Salvation since we were tiny. My girls have absolute confidence in their divine identities. Recognizing ourselves as literal children of a Heavenly Father makes mortality, well, livable.

Is the end coming? Yep. When? It's closer now than ever.

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