Friday, June 3, 2011

Free Play Friday: Dear Suzanne

Dear Suzanne,
When I started this blog, I wasn't really sure what it was going to look like. I knew I needed to write. I knew that my family's story was still untold.

I have had a book stuck inside of me for years. I have been paralyzed by fear of criticism, fear of being trite, fear of being maudlin, self-absorbed, boring. I keep buying books on how to write, hoping that by doing it "right," it will be good. The problem is that fear of doing it "wrong" is keeping the book unwritten. An unwritten book is neither good nor bad, just desperately sad.

Still, when I frantically search the bookstore trying to find a book, the Spirit whispers this reminder: the book is not at the bookstore because I haven't written it yet. I have prayed to know what form this book should take, what it should be about. I get nothing. So I write nothing. When I have ideas, I can't drop what I'm doing to get them down on paper before they evaporate. When I try to reconstruct the idea that I had, the sparkle is gone.

I have decided to write to you, Suzanne. I know that you will keep me honest without being judgmental or critical. All the years we've known each other, you have always been gentle, kind and, above all, true. You are, quite literally, my better angel.


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