Friday, June 10, 2011

Free Play Friday: It's My Blog; I Can Do What I Want!

A poem that I wrote for a Poem-A-Day Chapbook Challenge. The prompt for the day was Containment. I think it fits the broad, overall theme of the blog. You can enjoy this and others at my friend Buddah Moskowitz's site,
Extra-vehicular Activity
Your Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit is ready.
Your nine months of training is about to pay off.
Beware! it is a hostile environment. 
Gaseous Atmosphere.
Sensory input may be overwhelming.
Body systems will take several months to acclimate.
You will feel the need to sleep 70% of the time at first.
This is normal.
This feeling of jet lag will gradually subside.
You will be under constant surveillance until you have demonstrated
adequate proficiency in navigating the terrain. 
Immediate proximity to your host is vital to your survival.
You have one shot at this
Do not screw this up.
The pod bay doors are open.
It’s a girl!


  1. Your read of this was dynamite! So glad you sent it -

    the grateful Moskowitz

  2. Thank you so much for inviting me to participate! And thank you for visiting my blog!
